Proper Parenting And Becoming A Good Role Model To Your Children

Monday, January 18, 2010 | comments

Most children have lost the respect and the admiration they once had for their parents and they are not entirely to blame for this. Parents have failed in their responsibilities and their role in the upbringing of their children. Like in the case of disciplining their children, they have left this to fate. I am one person who believes that when you spare the rod you spoil the child, but for this to be administered correctly there is need to have parenting skills.

Good parenting involves include not argue or fight with your partner in the full glare of your children. Also do not confront your partner in the presence of children, relatives or any other person. Wait until when you are only the two of you and talk about what is bothering you. This will make the children respect you both.

Regardless of how busy you are; good parenting is making time for your children. Have heart to heart talks with them. Create an atmosphere where your children feel free to consult from you anything that involves their personal life. The internet has get information on good parenting skills so make use of it. Attend your children’s school events instead of sending your driver or house help. Be fully involved in every phase of your children growth. If you have a girl, daddy should take her out on a ‘date’. This makes girls extremely confident even when they become adults and if you are a single mother get a man you truly trust to be a father figure to your kids.

Instead of spending all your free time with the boys having beer, watching football and discussing politics, or with the girlfriends sharing drinks, talking about fashion, be home and help your kids with their homework. Proper parenting is about commitment and focus in the welfare of your spouse and children.

Parents should never give bribes openly in the presence of their young ones or giving them alcohol or cigarettes. If possible keep away from these negative habits and be a good role model to your children. Let them know that these habits are detrimental to their personal life, thus when they grow up they will make good life choices.

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