Time management is fundamental and time is the only resource that cannot be recycled. Once you hear the clock tick away, that is the last time you will hear of those seconds ever. It is therefore of essence to keep time always. Planning time well makes you organized and ensures maximum returns in whatever you are doing.
At the place of work where shifts are used to manage duties it is very important to observe time management. I am always amazed by habitual late comers who do not seem to realize the magnitude of failing to plan time well. Every year millions of man hours are lost which could transform to so much wealth. It should be considered robbery to your employer every time you report to work late.
Those fifteen minutes you arrive to work late everyday translate to three days every year which of course you get paid for. If there are fifty employees in that company who get to work late, that translates to five months of lateness. You have actually robbed nearly half a year from your employer and at the end of that year you all expect an end of year party to reward you for that.
Some few tips on personal management as to regards time; in this age where virtually everyone owns a mobile phone the alarm is very helpful when it comes to waking up in the morning. Set your alarm to go off as early as possible depending on the distance to your office. Avoid the snooze button because it will always make you go back to sleep and fail to keep time.
For ladies it is usually advisable to plan your clothes a week in advance. This is because ladies are very choosy in dressing and mostly get late deciding what to wear. For the man it is easier and you can simply put aside your clothes the previous night thus time management.
Planning time well helps when it comes to commuting to work, give an allowance for traffic jams. That is why blaming traffic for being late is a lame excuse. Be at your workstation at least ten minutes before time. This gives you time to clean your workplace and to log on to the system if you are using a computer.
Personal time management is crucial especially in today’s fast paced life. Keep visiting this blog for more success tips.
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