Many people in the quest for an affluent life style have lost direction and ended up miserable. Everyone desires to live in the biggest of mansions and drive posh cars with their children going to high cost schools. It is however important to evaluate yourself and know whether you really fall in this class. Otherwise you will mess up your personal finances.
Competing with your peers who seem to be making it big in their life, will only make you play a loosing battle. I am not saying that these things are not good, but what I mean is that you need to put your focus on personal financial planning and prioritize your needs.
The money you might be rushing to purchase a state of the art showroom for example can be invested in shares which will earn you dividends in future. And instead of taking your child to that high cost nursery you can save for her college and university in future.
Many people instead of living within their means end up renting houses which they pay through their teeth. You should never use more than twenty percent of your salary to pay rent and yet some people use fifty percent just so that they can fit with their peers.
The same people proceed to buy a car which they pack in someone else compound. Money you pay your landlord is bad investment if it is not a mortgage you are paying. It is better to pay now and play later. Invest wisely for you future by working hard, saving and living within your means.
No wonder we see people whom we hitherto assumed to be well to do calling for fundraising to take their children to college. No one is supposed to burden friends and relatives with fundraisings while all along you knew that one day your child would go to university.
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