Talking in front of people is not an easy task. People fear fumbling over words and not making the expected impression with their speech. On this article I will highlight on the points to note so as to have an exceptional speech.
It goes without saying that dressing smartly and decently will make you confident as you make your presentation. Think of your target audience and dress appropriately to appeal to them as this will help in having your listeners receptive to you, as we all know the first impression matters. For example, dressing very casually when giving a speech to business executives who are all dressed in very formal out-fits, may make your audience loose interest in the contents of your talk, citing that you are not a very serious person. Perception is important.
Prepare by writing down your notes and researching well on the subject matter. Go through any anticipated questions that would arise from your listeners.
As you prepare, have a rehearsal of the talk. You can do this in front of a mirror or in the presence of a friend who can rate your speech. Time your rehearsed speech so that you know approximately how long you will take.
While delivering your speech, pause for a few seconds at strategic points where you require your audience to internalize your words. This pause will help you to relax and connect with your listeners.
Remember that practice makes perfect and the more you get exposed to speaking to people, the better you get. Do not be discouraged if your first speech is not as good as you wanted it to be. With time you for sure improve.