Open Leadership to Execute Innovative Turn Around

Saturday, June 12, 2010 | comments

I did get opportunity to participate the “Predictive Analytics” seminar in San Francisco this week, is it the latest technology crystal ball to bring us the new insight, especially the economy has just been through the Great Recession in our life time: many great companies disappeared forever such as Circuit City and Lehman Brother; and many named brands got tarnished and acquired by others such as SUN Microsystems and Merrill Lynch.

Mr. Jim Colin’s latest book “How the Mighty Fall” may clarify the reasons to cause those Giants fall; To inspire the economy recovery, let’s also share some turn around stories to discuss the futuristic leadership in the new decade.

1.Game Changer’s Courage

Mr. Barack Obama became the first black President in US history; the media titian Oparah Winfrey makes significant impact beyond the entertainment industry; Steve Job changes the business models in the multiple industries and keeps making splash in Silicon Valley, they are definitely the game changers; not only in main street, we desperately need more game changers in Wall Street and all those troubled legacy industries such as airline, auto, bank., etc, since they are the infrastructure backbone of modern society.

2.Entrepreneurial Innovation

The government in Japan invited Kazuo Inamori , a Japanese entrepreneur and the founder of Kyocera Corporation and KDDI Corporation (two Fortune 500 companies) to become the CEO of JAL Airline, when it enters bankruptcy protection on January 19, 2010, and lead the air carrier through its restructuring. Mr. Kazuo Inamori is the perfect role model with the entrepreneurial innovation, persistence and enriched life and business philosophy.

3.Cross-Industrial Fresh Eyes

Mr. Idris Jal led the state-controlled carries Malaysia Airlines from the brink of bankruptcy to record breaking profits, brand it the “five-star value carries”, Mr. Idris never worked in airline before he took a leadership to turn around the troubled airline.

It’s the other impressive turn around story: beyond the knowledge, the open mind, the fresh eyes, the big gut, and the warm heart, those are critical leadership charisma to instill the passion, stimulate the hope and make a difference.

4.Cross-Cultural Creativity

Mr. Carlos Ghosn is a Brazilian born businessman of Lebanese origin, he is the current CEO and President of Renault of France and Nissan of Japan, he is largely credited with turning around Nissan. As an outsider in charge of one of Japan's largest companies, Ghosn has been extremely successful

Mr. Carlos’s multiple cultural background provides him the unique insight about the corporation culture and purpose, he is a true global leader with competitive accent.

5.Unconventional Thinker’s Common Sense

The Futuristic leaders will focus on asking the right questions instead of just crafting the old-style answers; The futuristic leaders will be the systematic thinkers with global perspective, engineering logic and artist’s imagination; they should be natural communicators with cross-culture, cross-industrial, cross-functional understanding.

The latest technologies such as: Cloud, BI or BPM are the power to bring up the efficiency; But it’s still the human, the open-minded new leaders inspire the effectiveness, nurture the change cultures, and make the positive influences.

Mr. Lee Iacocca, the legendary turn around master in auto industry defined the 9 C's of Leadership: Curiosity, Creative, Communicate, Character, Courage, Conviction, Charisma, Competent and Common Sense in his book “Where have all the Leaders Gone”. Those qualities are still the best leadership criteria fit in 21 century with broader, deeper insight in the latest multi-polar global landscape.

Achieving Success Calls For The Intervention Of A Supreme Being:

Thursday, June 10, 2010 | comments

Nowhere to my knowledge have the issues of life been more eloquently and even poetically defined than in the bible in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes contains the thoughts of "the Philosopher", King Solomon who reflected deeply on how short human life is with its mysterious injustices and frustrations. In the mirror of Ecclesiastes, many have taken comfort in discovering that hope in God is far much the only thing that gives life its greater meaning.

In the words of the Philosopher, "there is nothing new under the sun." What has happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new in the world.

These words have sunk deep in my heart and have opened up my eyes to see that whatever it is that we may be going through is nothing new to our all knowing God. One point or another someone went through the exact same thing. I draw encouragement from these words in that, the only hope I have in this meaningless life is in God. For this is the only thing I find comfort in knowing that only God can give life its greater meaning.

We like it or not we all deep within us believe in the existence of a supreme being. If not, then why do we hope and yet we can’t see what lies in store tomorrow. It is this hope that we long for the morning, which drives us towards achieving success. We silently call upon our supreme being to intervene in our day to day activities knowing or unknowingly.

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Debt To Income Ratio

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 | comments

Debts are a common liability to almost all people whether it is loans to pay back to banks or debts to persons or organizations. There are a lot of people who find it hard to pay their debts and paying back money without a plan. In order to manage your debts and repayment, you need to be equipped with certain information, Click Here!.

Debt to income ratio is simple concept and don’t come puzzled with the term. It means the percentage of your income that you need to pay off your bank loans or other debts. No matter what is the type of debt your debt to income ratio should never exceed what a bank feel not comfortable with you. If that exceed the ratio which bank expected that will prevent them to support you for your further enterprises by providing financial support to you.

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No matter how much amount of money that you pay off, your debt to income ratio should never exceed 31% of your total income because 31$ is not a simple amount. If it is below 31%, such as 20 of 25 there is a chance to you up to the rest amount. If your ratio off money that you use to pay your liabilities, bank will simply resume that you are not able to pay back their loans.

There is a ceiling for all banks and they will sketch all the details of the customer before they lend money. So it is necessary to keep the amount money below the ratio of bank, which may vary banks to banks. For example if you have an income of $10000 and you are spending $3100 to pay off your debts banks will withdraw their proceeding to support you because they will find the client is inefficient to pay them back.

So you need to reduce your debt to income ratio in all possible ways. First, if possible pay off as much as debts you can. Or you can request the credit card issuer to reduce amount of your credit available so that you will be availed with loans and you can start new ventures. Keep only a minimum number of old accounts and close the rest. So that lender may impress with your discipline in deals even though you are in debt. Applying for debt consolidation will also help you to achieve your target.

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1. Eliminate Debt Fast Without Bankruptcy Or Debt Consolidation: To Learn The Amazing Secrets Of How I Got Rid Of $63,000 Of Debt In Only 4 Months Without Filing Bankruptcy Or Using Any Type Of Debt Consolidation Service! Click Here!

2. 37 Days To Clean Debts (#1 Credit Repair Product): A Formula For FAST Credit Repair... That Can Rebuild Your Credit In Just 37 Days... It’s Your Easy To Follow Roadmap To Better Credit... Click Here!
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