Internet and globalization make unprecedented impact in modern human society, it will be superficial if the culture discussions are still base on recognizing the basic custom such as the ‘fork” vs."chopsticks", the true global strategy will embrace the cultural difference, absorb the philosophical quintessence, and integrate cross-cultural creativity with the best technology into the global organization’s mission and purpose.
Culture is one of the most intangible and strongest fabric weaving inside the human society and organization, it’s the critical ingredient to orchestrate the globalization 3.0, benefit for both emerging economies and developed countries.
Western style management is rational, scientific and logic, more like western style medicine, take the right pill to fix the ill in specific, usually it’s efficient (doing things right with the measurable result, but sometime at short term), it may cause some side-effect either (the necessary questions could be asked: is it doing the right thing for the long run?); Eastern style philosophy and management are more spiritual and integrated, maybe like herb, tea or acupuncture, try to boost your immunization, and enhance your energy, but the problem is how efficient they are, lack of the right benchmark to measure the performance and immediate results.
Western style leadership is more hands-on, managing in front of group, and inspiring by delivering the great speech; Eastern style of leadership is more natural, walking behind of the people, acting properly to attract the followers;
Western communication is “talking is golden” and Eastern style could be “silence is golden”.
Even the red hot technology such as predictive analytics should refer two sides of coin:
“Study the past if you would like to devine the future” Confucius;
“You can never plan the future by the past” Edmond Burke
Actually in today’s post crisis era, the most successful organizations in US are already learning deeper and faster from both sides and all angles ; and the latest technologies such as internet, mobile computing, social network are the great catalyst to exchange the cultural essential and accumulate the collective wisdom, the diversified corporate leaders are the indefatigable ambassadors to glorify the world-wide cultural intelligence.
By open up people’s mindset and taking advantage of the emerging technology, the forward-looking multi-national organizations will become the natural incubator to embrace the difference, inspire the creativity, improve the fair judgment and empower the right management.
Culture is one of the most intangible and strongest fabric weaving inside the human society and organization, it’s the critical ingredient to orchestrate the globalization 3.0, benefit for both emerging economies and developed countries.
Western style management is rational, scientific and logic, more like western style medicine, take the right pill to fix the ill in specific, usually it’s efficient (doing things right with the measurable result, but sometime at short term), it may cause some side-effect either (the necessary questions could be asked: is it doing the right thing for the long run?); Eastern style philosophy and management are more spiritual and integrated, maybe like herb, tea or acupuncture, try to boost your immunization, and enhance your energy, but the problem is how efficient they are, lack of the right benchmark to measure the performance and immediate results.
Western style leadership is more hands-on, managing in front of group, and inspiring by delivering the great speech; Eastern style of leadership is more natural, walking behind of the people, acting properly to attract the followers;
Western communication is “talking is golden” and Eastern style could be “silence is golden”.
Even the red hot technology such as predictive analytics should refer two sides of coin:
“Study the past if you would like to devine the future” Confucius;
“You can never plan the future by the past” Edmond Burke
Actually in today’s post crisis era, the most successful organizations in US are already learning deeper and faster from both sides and all angles ; and the latest technologies such as internet, mobile computing, social network are the great catalyst to exchange the cultural essential and accumulate the collective wisdom, the diversified corporate leaders are the indefatigable ambassadors to glorify the world-wide cultural intelligence.
By open up people’s mindset and taking advantage of the emerging technology, the forward-looking multi-national organizations will become the natural incubator to embrace the difference, inspire the creativity, improve the fair judgment and empower the right management.