It is true that when you get to the peak, the sense of satisfaction is achieved. While at the height of achievement, one may be tempted to be comfortable but it is advisable to set higher targets for this is the true measurement of success.
Some people gauge success as living large; owning a large house, luxurious cars, expensive holidays and basically just spending money in large sums. Is this the only way that we can measure success? I beg to differ.
Take an example of a man who basically lives from hand to mouth. If he saves up little amounts of money over a number of years and buys his first car, wouldn’t we see this as success? In my view, this is a successful man who needs to be emulated on his saving discipline, his ability to focus on his goal and his actual implementation of his plan.
To measure success, one needs to consider the current status of a person against his achievements and capability to achieve the set out goals. For this reason, a man who is born to an affluent family and makes no effort to be rich but has a lot of wealth should not be termed as successful.
Having wealth and other tangible items in life does not necessarily reflect success. There are other ways that one can contribute to society and have a sense of satisfaction. These would include helping the less fortunate and volunteering one’s expertise or skills to make an impact in people’s lives.
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