Talk to anyone that has made it in life and you will discover that nothing in life comes easy. People like Bill Gates spent sleepless night coming up with ways to ensure that every home had a computer. It takes courage and determination to achieve success in this competitive world. It is upon you to be responsible in whatever you do, that is if you want to positively impact your life.
People who will never stop to consider the consequences of their actions are irresponsible. Vices are usually signs of irresponsible character. What I know for sure is that those individuals who aren’t responsible will easily be enticed into drugs, crime or prostitution. They neither care for what happens to their bodies nor give a damn about social values.
It is said that, growing up is compulsory but maturity is optional. Regardless of age or statues one can always choose to be responsible. My advice to the youth; even if you are currently being provided for, realize that one day you will need to take care of yourself, therefore start training and gearing yourself to be independent.
Self reliance will help you to be able to manage your family, business or whatever you choose to acquire. It is a great satisfaction to see things you have achieved but remember there is a price to pay.
Time waits for no man and tomorrow may be too late, start being responsible and manage your time well by prioritizing and attending to issues that will add value to your life.
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